Daily Archives: October 17, 2023

ACE New England News

Hi New England ACEers!

For those unable to attend our regional ACE Screeems At Canobie Lake Park
on Sunday, you missed some news that was shared: I will be retiring as the
New England Regional Rep as of December 31 this year. The last 15 years
have been a tremendously rewarding volunteer experience, which I have truly
enjoyed! Now it’s time to handover the reins. However, that doesn’t mean
I’m going away. I will continue onward as an assistant rep.

I have loved working with all the New England parks and their
representatives, they are all wonderful. Organizing regional events had
become second nature, almost easy, with choosing a park, and a date, being
the most difficult decisions to make. Bringing ACE members from all over
New England, nationally and, on a couple of occasions, internationally, is
truly satisfying. Having a great team of assistant reps made my position
easier as well.

Two stand-out times during my years as regional rep were the 1993 pre-Con
events at Quassy and Lake Compounce, which brought 325 ACE members from 23
states, 2 Canadian provinces, France and Australia to the region before the
Con began; and at the 1993 Con. At Six Flags New England (SFNE), the Con
event organizers had arranged a limited number of helicopter rides during
one of our picnic lunches. Several of my close friends had been chosen, so
I hung out in the picnic grove as they got their rides. Melanie Smith, my
SFNE contact at the time, came up to me and said, “There’s one last copter
ride to go – and you’re on it.” I truly believe that my ACE/working
relationship with her over the years earned me that spot on the last copter
ride. I was truly blessed (and lucky).

I can still be reached at this email address and my phone number will not
change. Once I finish breaking in the new regional rep (to be announced
soon), I will become an assistant rep. The change should be seamless – and
I’m staying on to be sure.

Thank you for all the friendships I have gained, your attendance at events,
your words of encouragement and thanks, and for your appreciation of the
work I have done for ACE New England.

I will *still* see you in the queue!


*Rus Ozana*
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

ridewithace.com <www.aceonline.org/>

rozana@aceonline.org <dperry@aceonline.org>

*1,057 coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries*

www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>