Daily Archives: January 3, 2019

Quassy’s Wooden Warrior Day

Attendance at the annual Wooden Warrior Day has dropped significantly the
past couple of years. I inquired with the park about an event for 2019 and
received the following reply:

“Based on last year’s turnout, we are not going to hold a May Wooden
Warrior day this year. However, please note that June 8 Coasting For Kids
for Give Kids The World is taking shape and registration will be open for
that soon. There will be a morning ERT on both coasters for that event.”

Details on the June 8 *Coasting For Kids* fundraiser will be shared when
all the details are in place. I hope will you join me for this great event!

See you in the queue,


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

*966 Coasters ridden in 33 states and 20 countries*

www.ACENewEngland.org <www.acenewengland.org/>

www.ACEonline.org <www.aceonline.org/>