Daily Archives: August 8, 2014

Finalized flier for ACE Day at Canobie Lake Park


Attached is the finalized flier for our event on September 20. Thanks
for your patience while we waited for the last details, and I hope to see you
at Canobie Lake Park!


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts
_rozana@ACEonline.org_ (mailto:rozana@ACEonline.org)
_617-816-9943_ (tel:617-816-9943)
762 Coasters in 31 states and 15 countries
_www.ACENewEngland.org_ (http://www.acenewengland.org/)
_www.ACEonline.org_ (http://www.aceonline.org/)
pdf icon Flier_final.pdf