Daily Archives: July 19, 2012

Reminder, and an Invitation

Reminder – Deadline for Oc~Boulder~Fest! registration is August 6:
_www.obfest.org_ (http://www.obfest.org)
(my apologies to those who received this reminder twice)

Here\’s an invitation from ACE New Jersey region – contact Bret directly,
_newjerseyace@gmail.com_ (mailto:newjerseyace@gmail.com) , if you wish to


Rus Ozana
New England Regional Representative
American Coaster Enthusiasts

National ACE address:
1100-H Brandywine Blvd
Zanesville, OH 43701-7303


—————————- Original Message —————————-
…For Real!!! 🙂 Who wants to go? Must be 48 inches

Grand Opening event for King Cobra on Tuesday, July 24 at 10 a.m.

Great Adventure is looking for some riders to attend the VIP event and of
course ride King Cobra! It would be a 9:30 a.m. arrival to Gate 8, the
Hurricane Harbor employee entrance. The press event will start at 10 a.m.
and the presentation portion will be about 15 minutes before we have
everyone ride for the press, and invite the press to ride themselves.
After that everyone will be able to stay in Hurricane Harbor to play for
the day or get a ticket to return, whichever they prefer.

Must be 48 inches

I\’ll have more details soon. Please let me know if you would like to join


Bret Ulozas
ACE NJ Regional Rep